“Government Relations and Lobbying perform three functions essential to the proper functioning of government and democracy:
1) Providing means for the resolution of conflicts, essential to the perpetuation of a democratic and mutually tolerant society.
2) Funneling important information, analysis, and opinion to government leaders to facilitate informed and balanced decision making.
3) Creating a system of checks and balances, comparable to that within our government, by which competition among interest groups keeps any one of them from attaining permanent power.”
Charles S. Mack, “Democratic Function of Government Relations and Lobbying
Expertise in Public Affairs
SMA has been at the forefront of promoting a transparent system of representation for legitimate business interests in Romania. The existence of a transparent system, which allows for the free exchange of information and ideas, benefits both the government and the business community.
We reach for valuable connections. SMA Public Affairs is built on the idea that we are an “information bridge” between the business community and the government. Organizations understandably want to have a voice in decisions that may affect them, those around them, and also their environment. Government in turn needs access to the knowledge and views that the business community can bring. We help make the dialogue happen.